News & Campaigns

nurse with microphone at a meeting table

What's new at the INMO

  • The latest health and IR news and commentary from the INMO
  • The latest issues of the INMO's member magazine WIN. 
  • Regular updates to INMO members on the latest Industrial Relations issues and unions news. 

The Voice of Nurses and Midwives in Ireland

The INMO ensures the interests of nurses and midwives are brought to national attention through the media, their publications and advocacy. 

With regular information on ongoing campaigns, clinical and professional issues and industrial relations, INMO members know they are up to speed on the latest in healthcare, nursing and midwifery, and they trust their union to ensure their voices are heard at a national and international level.

Contact the INMO Press Office

Siobhán de Paor

Head of Communications

INMO HQ, Dublin

Béibhinn Dunne

Deputy Head of Communications

INMO HQ, Dublin

Aiveen Ahern

Communications Officer

INMO HQ, Dublin

Freda Hughes

Communications Officer

INMO HQ, Dublin

Lisa Moyles

Communications Officer

INMO HQ, Dublin