Professional sections

Two INMO members attending a talk

INMO Professional sections

As an important part of your membership package, the INMO national sections and networking groups offer members from specific grades or disciplines the opportunity to link up with colleagues for specialised information sharing, professional support and networking.  

Section FAQs

  • Each nursing grade or specialist area of nursing or midwifery has a subgroup within the INMO membership known as its National Section. These sections allow members to link up with their colleagues across the country for specialised networking, information sharing and support.  

    Sections have been meeting like since the 1950s for professional development issues and also for social and personal support and encouragement. 

    Sections are therefore an essential part of the organisation, enabling members to influence policy, bring forward joint work or campaign on issues of concern; be they regional, national or international.  

    Section membership is open to all INMO members, and students are requested to affiliate to the Student Nurse/Midwife Section. 

  • Each decade brings with it new developments, new advances, greater medical knowledge, but with it also, new problems, crises, stricter guidelines and tighter purse strings. A welcome support within this flux and flow are section meetings, conferences, education days and social events. Sections facilitate the co-ordination of a national network of peers and colleagues working in the same area and sharing similar interests. 

    National sections hold meetings at regular intervals throughout the year with the AGM scheduled to take place between January and mid-February each year. Most meetings take place online, as this facilitates the greatest participation from all regions. Such complete regional involvement allows members and the INMO to keep abreast of, and indeed, even first be made aware of, specific regional concerns and issues that might otherwise be overlooked or underestimated.  

    The website and the World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery (WIN) Magazine host dedicated pages for our Sections. These pages chronicle and review various articles and events and list a diary of upcoming meetings, education days and conferences. 

    Sections also facilitate access to the policy making structure of the organisation with attendance at the Annual Delegate Conference; by offering the opportunity of sending a delegate and observer to represent their special interest group and by putting forward a motion to debate. 

  • If you have a keen interest or are working in an area that is not currently listed or active and feel you would like to get more involved and have that area represented, please contact the Sections Officer and we will do our upmost to facilitate its establishment/activity.   

  • Sections and network groups are run by members for members. Each section has a unique set of section officers comprising a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Education Officer who are elected by their peers every two years. The INMO sections office is available and on hand to co-ordinate, arrange and develop the work that sections & section officers do. 

  • You can affiliate to your relevant national section by filling in an affiliation form.  Once affiliated you will be added to our mailing list for all upcoming events for your Section.  

    Section membership is open to all INMO members, and students are requested to affiliate to the Student Nurse/Midwife Section. 

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    Contact INMO

    Jean Carroll

    Section Development Officer

    INMO HQ Dublin

    Office Opening Hours:

    Monday to Thursday

    9.00 am - 5.00 pm


    8.30 am - 4.30 pm

    Closed Saturday and Sunday