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Professional Development

The INMO is a professional organisation for nurses and midwives, supporting you to maintain your competency, develop your career, and maintain your registration. Discover a range of clinical and professional courses designed specifically for your professions or join an INMO professional section to network and collaborate with others in your field. The INMO is here to support your professional development with a range of resources.

Your continuing education needs

  • We specialise in providing outstanding education options for nurses and midwives including face-to-face and online workshops, seminars, masterclasses, and conferences with online research and reading options
  • Contemporary, clinically relevant courses
  • Category 1 approved by NMBI and allocated Continuous Education Units (CEUs)

INMO Professional

Phone: 01 664 0600


Accessing our research & learning resources

Library resources

The library’s collections are available online for members. We offer a range of resources, including databases, journals and learning tools covering nursing, midwifery and healthcare.

Full text article retrieval

If you care finding it difficult to locate specific articles, the library has access to a broad range of journals from libraries in Ireland and the UK and can assist with sourcing these articles.

Literature searching

The library offers a range of literature searching services, from short searches to more extensive systematic review searches. These services are available to members for a small fee. They can be useful if you are having difficulty finding relevant articles, as a backup search to supplement your own or if you do not have enough time to complete your search.


We provide opportunities for you to develop your career

Why do an INMO Professional Course?

INMO Professional provides a raft of specialist and career-focused, NMBI-accredited training courses to its members at a reduced fee to INMO members.