What the INMO does

What we do

The INMO is the professional voice of nurses and midwives in Ireland with over 100 years of experience and achievement.  

The main activities of the INMO include: 

  • Protecting workplace rights: The INMO recruits and organises nurses and midwives to protect their rights at work. This includes ensuring fair treatment, addressing workplace discrimination. 

  • Ensuring safe conditions: The INMO promotes and protects nurse and midwife safety in the workplace. Safe staffing is one of the INMO’s main priorities.  

  • Representing members’ interests: The INMO seeks to ensure that the interests of our members are brought to the fore. We strive to ensure that nurses and midwives receive fair and competitive salaries. 

  • Promoting professional development: The INMO provides a variety of opportunities for professional development, training, and education for our members 

  • Political advocacy: The INMO engages in extensive political lobbying at both a local and national level. We seek to influence any political measures that may impact our members.  

  • Promoting the voice of nurses and midwives: The INMO is the leading voice for nursing and midwifery issues in the Irish media. We provide the media with TrolleyWatch figures from Monday-Friday. We regularly engage with print and broadcast media on healthcare issues. The INMO publishes a magazine, the World of Irish Nursing and Midwifery, eight times a year covering industrial relations and clinical issues. 

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North Brunswick St, Dublin 7

Office Opening Hours:

Monday to Thursday

9.00 am - 5.00 pm


8.30 am - 4.30 pm

Closed Saturday and Sunday