Red Weather Warning Information

Key provisions of the HSE Red Weather Event Policy, applying to all HSE and Section 38 employees during Red Weather events.

Share Your Experience: Caring for Patients on Trolleys Survey

The challenges of overcrowding in Irish hospitals continue to place immense pressure on nurses, particularly when it comes to caring for patients on trolleys. Your voice and experiences are vital in shaping the conversation around these issues and advocating for better solutions.

Ireland’s leading healthcare unions in dispute planning stage

Following a joint meeting of the officers of both the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation and the Fórsa Health and Welfare Division, both unions will be asking their executives to endorse a plan for industrial action over the coming weeks. 

Job opportunity

Vacancies have now arisen for two Industrial Relations Officers to service our growing membership for the Dublin and Galway areas ona  12-month contract basis (panels for future appointments may be made by region):

  • Dublin Office: South Dublin, Wicklow, Kildare, Laois and Offlay
  • Galway Office: West & Northwest region