Friday 9 October 2020 Give us the staff we need to beat COVID, says INMO conference Frontline nurses and midwives need a major staffing boost urgently to deal with COVID-19, according to an emergency motion passed at the INMO’s annual conference...
Thursday 1 October 2020 Maternity survey: great staff – but more needed! 85% of women had a positive maternity experience – but many had concerns about staffing pressure, a new HIQA survey has found...
Thursday 1 October 2020 October 2020 Check out the October 2020 issue of WIN magazine. The World of Irish Nursing and Midwifery.
Thursday 24 September 2020 Winter plan needs nursing and midwifery workforce plan The HSE’s Winter Plan will “simply not work” without extra nursing and midwifery staffing, the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation warned today...
Thursday 17 September 2020 World Patient Safety Day: Ireland risks falling behind in nurse welfare Ireland risks falling behind international standards in protecting frontline nurses from the risks of COVID-19, the INMO has warned...