Another instance of predictable post-bank holiday hospital overcrowding and unacceptable trolley care for patients

Over 604 patients are being treated without a bed in Irish hospitals today according to the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation.


INMO General Secretary Phil Ní Sheaghdha said:


It is utterly inexcusable that we are seeing over 604 patients being treated in Irish hospitals today on a trolley, chair or in another inappropriate bed space. 


Time and time again, we warn the HSE that intensive measures must be taken to avoid a post-bank holiday trolley surge and yet today we are seeing a number of patients on trolleys in June that would have been described as a national emergency in past winters.


This level of overcrowding, that is now consistent and continuing into the summer, at a time when winter respiratory infections are not circulating indicates that the system of hospital avoidance is not effective and at a minimum the HSE must endeavour to significantly increase acute hospital beds before year end. Community services must be increased. Otherwise, overcrowding will be much worse this winter. The HSE must immediately end the recruitment ban for nursing and midwifery posts.



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