Building Momentum, Affordable Housing for Nurses and Midwives

Building Momentum

Members employed by the public service recently voted to accept measures to deal with increases in the cost of living.

Payments due to members include,

  • 3.28% retrospective to 1st Feb  (all nursing /midwifery management grades)
  • A further 3% retrospective to 2nd Feb all nursing /midwifery grades
  • 1% 1st October.

The HSE had committed to these payments being made in November but now advises it may take longer. It is unacceptable to us as a trade union that agreements, when accepted by both members and their employers that implementation of the payment is left on the long finger. To that end, we have written to the HSE again this week asking them to provide exact dates when the increases that members who are employed by the public sector will be paid. The HSE has advised that they will furnish exact payment dates to the INMO on Monday next, 14th November and we will advise all members of progress on this issue.

When this deal was agreed upon, the Minister for Public Expenditure stated that members would be paid prior to Christmas. We will continue to hold the Government to account on this very important issue.

Affordable Housing for Nurses and Midwives and Raise the Roof Rally

Nurses and midwives are not immune to the crisis in the housing market. Last week, Director of Midwifery for the National Maternity Hospital, Dr Mary Brosnan outlined how difficult it is to recruit and retain nurses and midwives in Dublin. We know that this is not just a problem in Dublin, but in other large urban centres and rent pressurised areas around the country.

As per a motion passed at our Annual Delegate Conference in May, we have called on the Government to provide subsidised accommodation in large urban areas for nurses and midwives and to explore affordable and available Housing Models linked to our profession. 

On Saturday, November 26 the Irish Congress of Trade Unions will hold a national Rally for Housing in Dublin, meeting at Parnell Square at 1pm.

It is vital that the voice of nurses and midwives is heard on November 26 and that we join the growing chorus demanding real change on housing.

Join us and help deliver that change.

All Ireland Midwifery Conference

The INMO and the Royal College of Midwives are jointly hosting the All-Ireland Midwifery Conference on Thursday November 17th in the Slieve Russell Hotel, Cavan.

Topics for discussion include the provision of homebirths; expanding the all-Ireland midwifery network and reducing burnout.

It is sure to be a very interesting and timely event. More details can be found All Ireland Midwifery Conference

Upcoming Professional Events

Through INMO Professional we host many beneficial courses and conferences in November. There is also access to our library and resources. 

Some of our upcoming conferences :

Saturday 12th – PHN Webinar

Thursday 17th – All Ireland Midwifery Conference

Thursday 24th – ADON webinar 

Saturday 26th – National Children’s Nurses Section webinar

Monday 28th - Retired Nurses Section Biennial Conference

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