Delays to cost of living related pay increases to HCWs unacceptable

Trade unions representing healthcare workers have called on the Health Service Executive to ensure that recently agreed increases to Building Momentum are implemented immediately. 


The ICTU Group of Healthcare Trade Unions have said that any further delay to implementing cost-of-living related pay increases to healthcare workers is unacceptable. 


Healthcare workers have not received any indication when they will receive an agreed increase, despite other members of the public sector having received payment.  


The unions are calling on the HSE to make available funding to Voluntary Hospitals and Voluntary Organisations to ensure funding is released to these Organisations, as they confirmed that they are not in a position to do so until they receive this funding.


Albert Murphy, Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation said: 


Our members are incensed that they will not receive the terms of Building Momentum which was agreed between the Trade Unions and the Government side in October 2022 as a response to the cost-of-living crisis.  


It is particularly galling that this is the case given that healthcare workers worked through the pandemic to keep the country safe and other public servants have received their money while nurses and midwives are other healthcare workers are once again being made wait.


Ashley Connolly, Forsa Trade Union added:


Our members are feeling the cost of living crisis like everyone else.  We have an agreement with the Government and yet our employers are unable to confirm our members will be paid on time.  


This is not acceptable to the hundreds of thousands of healthcare workers who have provided invaluable service to this country


Kevin Figgis, SIPTU stated: 


It is hugely frustrating for healthcare workers that yet again they are made to wait for agreements to be implemented by the HSE and other healthcare employers.  


Government must take all necessary measures to ensure that no healthcare worker is left short of money prior to Christmas, given the unprecedented cost of living crisis which affects everybody in this country.

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