Future of Midwifery Led Unit at Cavan Secure – INMO

The INMO has stated today (Friday) that it welcomes the recent recommendations of the review of Maternity services and the Maternity Led Unit (MLU) in Cavan General Hospital (CGH), but that implementation must be carried out within the planned timeframe.

The review was committed to by then minister for health Minister Harris when he met with INMO midwife members on the issue on 12th June 2020.  It was then established by the RCSI hospital group and undertaken by a working group that included midwifery staff both internal and external to CGH, and which made the following recommendations:

• To improve the entry point to maternity services 

• To review the approach across the two existing MLUs relating to eligibility criteria for MLU services 

The union has requested an urgent meeting with the RCSI hospital group to progress implementation and secure the improvements contained in the report, noting the importance of developing Midwifery-Led services as part of the National Maternity Strategy. Funding of €12 million has been allocated in this years’ service plan for the implementation of the maternity strategy and a central part of this strategy is to develop midwife-led units. 

INMO Assistant Director of Industrial Relations, Albert Murphy said:

We know from studies on midwifery-led care that it is just as safe as consultant-led care, is more cost-effective results in higher satisfaction rates among women. This report confirms the value of this unit, and the recommendations will bring services in line with the MLU in Drogheda.


INMO Industrial Relations Executive in the North East region, Karen Clarke said: 

INMO members have campaigned to ensure this vital service remains open for women in the region, and we welcome the assurances around the future of the unit at CGH, and the recommendations to develop the service.

Maintaining and expanding midwifery-led services is not only a pillar of the National Maternity Strategy, it is key to ensuring quality care and true choice for women.


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