Health & Safety at Work, Worker Safety, Derogation of HCWs, Update for Pregnant or Vulnerable HCWs, Pandemic Bonus Update

Health and Safety at Work

We continue to highlight and raise issues with the HSE and Department of Health relating to your very difficult working conditions. I have received a number of queries from members concerned about their ability to practice safely in the current very difficult climate.

I want to assure you again that last January we secured from the HSE a commitment which confirmed their responsibility for risk in the workplace, and where you are not able to practice to the required standard due to workplace conditions the responsibility for that rests with the employer and not you. This week the HSE confirm that this remains the position. The actual text of the letter from the Chief Operations Officer is:

It is accepted that during the COVID-19 pandemic severe staff shortages may result in a diminution in standards of clinical care. Where staff who are discharging their duties to the standards reasonably required by their profession are not in a position to deliver care in a timely manner in line with established clinical protocols, due to system risks over which they have no control, they will not be held personally accountable and will be indemnified by the Clinical Indemnity Scheme.’

Worker Safety

As COVID cases and hospitalisations continue to rise, it is important to be aware that the provision of a safe and healthy workplace is a legal responsibility held by your employer. Your safety in the workplace is not a secondary matter, it is a legal duty on your employer. Therefore, all requests from you to have enhanced PPE (FFP3 masks are now recommended for maximum protection) must be immediately addressed. Likewise, for any unsafe work situations e.g., poor air exchange, where natural air exchange i.e., windows that can open are not in place then air filtration units must be considered and the quality of the air in your workplace is an important matter in the context of an airborne pathogen. That is why we have sought that the HSE, at a national level undertake a full examination of the air hygiene, airflow and ventilation systems for hospitals and health care clinics. This week the INMO supported the Workplace Ventilation Bill debated and passed in Dáil Éireann in respect of this matter. See  

Any concerns you have must be reported to the workplace safety representative, if you do not know who this is in your work location, please contact the INMO at the regional office or HQ and we will assist you.    

Derogation of Healthcare Workers who are a Household Contact of a Confirmed Covid-19 Case

The Government made a decision that household contacts of a confirmed Covid-19 case must restrict their movements for 5 days. We immediately raised the safety implications for this for our members in the workplace. As a result, it has been confirmed that the derogation is not mandatory, and an employee must consent to the derogation. Furthermore, it applies only to those who are asymptomatic so a person with any symptoms of COVID-19 is ineligible for derogation. Finally, anyone restricting their movements in accordance with public health advice is to be regarded as working from home, so no form of leave needs to be availed of. 

Update for Pregnant or Vulnerable Healthcare Workers

The INMO met with the HSE’s Head of Occupational Health on Wednesday to ensure that the maximum protections are been afforded to vulnerable and pregnant HCWs. The INMO has raised concerns that individual nurses and midwives in these categories continue to be exposed to this risk.

As the national 14-day incidence rate has increased it is necessary that individual risk assessments be repeated.

The HSE has agreed to issue an updated HSE HR circular to all managers ensuring that the guidance is strictly adhered to, in order to protect pregnant and vulnerable HCWs.  

Pandemic Bonus Update

The officers of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions at the Labour Economic Employer Forum- have been reinforcing the views of the INMO and other healthcare unions in respect of the claim for a bonus payment for frontline healthcare staff. We are advised that it is expected a decision will go to Government shortly. Any update will be immediately notified to you.    

Executive Council

The Executive Council held an emergency meeting to discuss how we can highlight and tackle the levels of mental and physical burnout members across the country are experiencing. Regional membership meetings will take place in the coming weeks. Subject to public health advice at the time, we hope to hold a national meeting with reps in late January. This will be further examined closer to the time.  

Media Coverage

We consistently aim to raise in the media the many issues members face.

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