HSE hack, Vaccinations, Building Momentum and WIN

We paused these regular update emails over the past weeks, as many members receive INMO correspondence via their HSE emails. We were advised not to send emails into the HSE email system due to the current difficulties following the IT hacking.

I can assure members that INMO IT systems and your data stored with us were not impacted by the hack, and we have taken additional protective steps in this regard.

Despite the HSE system issues, the union has been continuing its work, meeting the HSE, Department of Health, and Department of Public Expenditure and Reform on relevant issues. Some key updates are below:

1. Vaccination

Many members have contacted us in recent days about NIAC’s advice on the AstraZeneca vaccine. We raised this matter with the HSE and they have confirmed that their plans have not changed with regards to delivering a second dose of the Astra Zeneca vaccine and that NIAC’s advice on this matter has not changed.

We have sought that the HSE and NIAC continually monitor evidence of all vaccine types to ensure that they provide the best available level of protection for frontline healthcare workers. I will update members if we have any further updates on this.

As qualified healthcare professionals, you need the best available information on matters like vaccination. To that end, we have organised another webinar with the HSE’s Chief Clinical Officer, Dr. Colm Henry. This webinar will be held on Wednesday 9th June, we will have log-in details for members on Tuesday morning.  These details will be available on www.inmo.ie plus we will email on Tuesday with the details, if you have questions and/or concerns to raise with the Chief Clinical Officer of HSE this will be your opportunity to do so.

2. Building Momentum

INMO members overwhelmingly endorsed the Building Momentum agreement earlier this year. As part of the Public Service Committee of ICTU, we have been working to meet the timeframes for implementation of aspects of the agreement as set out in the terms of the collective agreement.

One of the central and most important benefits of the agreement was the reduction of weekly working hours. We have recently agreed to a working group with the government, which has begun its work and we are contributing to a joint trade union submission due to this body by 11th June. Meetings with the Public Service Committee will then take place at the end of June. As you would expect, we have stressed the importance of the return to pre-HRA hours for nurses and midwives. We will advise of updates as soon as they are available.

We are also, in conjunction with the other health sector trade unions, meeting on the action plan for the healthcare system as part of Building Momentum, which underpins our support for moving to the Sláintecare model for a single-tier healthcare service.

We are also in the process of agreeing on bargaining units and the local bargaining process. This has a deadline of the end of June 2021, as set out in the agreement. We are working to this deadline to ensure the outstanding issues - the nurse and midwife management pay differential in particular - are completed within the time frames as set out in the agreement.

3. WIN Magazine June 2021

The digital edition of the World of Irish Nursing and Midwifery can be read online.

Finally, despite the hack’s impact on HSE services and the challenges of COVID, the INMO is working fully. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are experiencing difficulty and need representation.

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