INMO 102nd Annual Delegate Conference Thursday And Friday, 6th And 7th May 2021 - Online

Over 350 nurses and midwives will gather virtually on Thursday and Friday, 6th and 7th May 2021 for the INMO’s 102nd Annual Delegate Conference.

The conference’s theme is “Courage to Care” and it will see delegates from across Ireland debating motions on:

  • COVID-19’s effects on nursing and midwifery staff;
  • Safe facilities for staff;
  • A call for the establishment of a Chief Midwifery Officer;
  • Underuse of district and community hospitals;
  • Speedier naturalisation for frontline healthcare workers;
  • Nationalisation of private hospital beds.

The conference will be addressed by the Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly TD on Friday 7th May. 

The conference will also hear from keynote speakers including Dr. Sally Pezaro from the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health, Coventry University.

The theme of this year’s conference is “The Courage to Care”.


Further details will issue to members, delegates, and the media as they arise.

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