INMO comment on Government approval of the Independent Hours Body’s Report

The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation has welcomed the Cabinet decision that the working time in the public service should be restored to pre-Haddington Road Agreement levels from the 1st of July 2022. 
In January 2022, the Independent Body Examining Additional Working Hours chaired by Kieran Mulvey sent recommendations on working hours for civil and public servants to the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform.

An INMO spokesperson said:

The INMO would like to thank all the members of the hours body including the Chair Kieran Mulvey and trade union nominees Liam Doran and Peter McLoone for their invaluable contribution in producing the hours body report.

The recommendation by the independently chaired hours body and subsequent decision by Government is one that will benefit the retention of nurses and midwives. The Haddington Road hours have disproportionately impacted our largely female workforce. The additional hours have pushed many nurses and midwives into part-time work due to the additional pressure that was put on caring responsibilities.  

We know that since 2013 the additional unpaid hours have had a considerable negative impact on morale, and the retention of nurses and midwives within the public health service. 
Today’s recommendation is a significant step in addressing this key issue under the Building Momentum Agreement. 
The INMO has already written to HSE regarding reinstatement of pre HRA rosters from 1st July 2022.

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