INMO consultation to begin with CNM2 grade public sector members

The INMO will commence a consultation period with its members paid at CNM/M 2 salary grade – i.e.  CNS and CMS, CPCs and all other CNM2 analogous grades in the public sector.  As you are aware the Expert Review Body on Nursing and Midwifery recommended to extend the revised PHN/CNM2/CNS salary scale by the addition of one further scale point and the introduction of a Long Service Increment.

The salary scale applies to all grades listed above however the Department of Health now advise that they have had to refer the matter for approval to pay to the Department of Public Expenditure and reform. While many, indeed the majority, of eligible CNM grades have been paid there are a number who have been omitted.

The INMO is not accepting that there can be any differentiation on the salary scale and do not accept that this interpretation taken at implementation stage can be tolerated. Therefore, having consulted with members we will hold workplace meetings from Monday the 8th of July 2024 to the 19th of July 2024, and will, if necessary, consider taking industrial action in pursuit of the correct application of the salary scale extension to all those paid on the CNM2 scale. It is intended to undertake the ballot of members who are in dispute from the 19th of July to the 19th of August 2024. 

We are currently arranging venues and times for these meetings and INMO Officials assigned to your workplace will be in contact with you directly to notify you of arrangements for meetings. It is important that all members who have and will be affected attend these meetings. Please share this notice with colleagues if they have not received it. 

You can find a list of upcoming meetings on our consultation meetings page

Lobbying of TDs

Please find below two different template emails (one for use if you are a CNS/CMS and the other if you are a CPC) which we are asking all members send to their local TD’s and Councillors in relation to this issue.  In order to find the contact details for your local TDs please visit . It is advised to send a separate email to each of your local representatives in order to have maximum impact.  It is important that these emails would issue as soon as possible as the Dail is breaking for its recess on the 11th of July 2024. 

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