INMO Launches Menopause at Work Paper

The INMO has called for greater workplace recognition and support for women experiencing symptoms of menopause. 

Following a motion to conference from its members, the union has launched a position paper in conjunction with a World Menopause Week event (see attached) designed to encourage discussions and lift taboos around menopause at work.

Key recommendations include:
• Development of workplace policies that promote support of women during menopause

• Education and training regarding the menopause

INMO general secretary Phil Ní Sheaghdha said:

There are over 300,000 women working in Ireland between the ages of 45 and 64, and around 80% of those will experience symptoms leading up to menopause.  We would like to work with employers to create positive employment policies, as we do with other health and well-being-related issues. Currently, there is an absence of policies on this issue. 

We have issued a position paper to assist our members and other women who might find they require assistance and support during this time in their lives.

Loretta Dignam, Founder of The Menopause Hub said:

Education is central to removing taboos around menopause. We are all about helping women lead healthy and satisfying lives through the menopause both in work and at home, and this means having conversations and finding solutions. 

We are hoping that this event will help many people understand how best to support themselves and the women in their lives, and ultimately help them begin their own conversations around menopause.

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