INMO launches new Kerry Branch

The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation has launched a new amalgamated Kerry branch to represent nurses and midwives working in the public and private sector in County Kerry.

The new INMO Kerry branch will represent over 1,400 nurses in County Kerry.

Speaking at the launch INMO General Secretary and Ventry native, Phil Ni Sheaghdha said:

The forming of this new Kerry Branch is a tangible demonstration of the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation’s presence and strength, on behalf of our members in Kerry. 

Our members in Kerry are no doubt working in a very challenging time for the Irish health service. The fact that we have now brought all of our Kerry branches together will ensure that nurses and midwives in Kerry have a strong forum in which to advocate the issues that they face.

Co-Chairperson of the Kerry branch Connie O’Leary said:

The amalgamation of all INMO branches in Kerry has been on the cards for some time and is a very welcome development. We are now working in a branch system that can look to resolve some of the very real issues our members are facing on a local and national level including increased bed capacity in UHK and in the community; increasing the community and public health nurses posts in Kerry; and advocating for the recruitment freeze to be lifted at a national level to ensure that safe staffing can be continued to be rolled out in UHK.

Co-Chairperson of the Kerry branch Noreen Corcoran said:

One of the main objectives for our new Kerry branch is to increase the opportunities for our members in County Kerry. We will lobby local representatives to ensure that training places at both undergraduate and postgraduate level are increased in MTU Kerry. The opportunitiy to train here in Kerry but also continue your career here must not be out of grasp. Local TDs and councillors must prioritise the provision of affordable accommodation for healthcare workers in County Kerry. Accommodation remains a significant barrier to recruitment in our community hospitals due to high prices and supply.

INMO Industrial Relations Officer, Liam Conway added:

This new branch combined with our strong local activity, will undoubtedly lead to further growth in our membership as we strive to ensure in these very challenging of times, that every nurse and midwife can deliver safe care through safe practice in County Kerry.


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