INMO to commence ballot of Coronary Care Unit nurses in Cork University Hospital

 The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation is to commence a ballot of nurses in the Coronary Care Unit in Cork University Hospital in pursuance of safe staffing.  
INMO Assistant Director of Industrial Relations, Colm Porter said:  

The INMO has been mandated by members to commence a ballot for industrial action in the Coronary Care Unit in Cork University Hospital.  
Significant issues exist when it comes to safe staffing levels and an appropriate skill mix in the Coronary Care Unit in CUH. Our members here are working in a highly pressurised environment, often falling short of being able to provide recommended safe nurse-to-patient ratios. 
Management at Cork University Hospital have failed to provide an appropriate plan to mitigate against the nurse and skill mix deficits in the CCU. 
A ballot will take place this week, and we will notify hospital management of the outcome upon completion.

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