INMO welcome Minister’s “unequivocal” commitment to Cavan’s Midwife-Led Unit

The INMO welcomes support from the Minister for Health for Cavan’s midwife-led unit (MLU), which had been threatened with closure or downgrading.

The INMO raised the issue directly with the Minister at a meeting today (Tuesday), where it was confirmed that in his and the Department of Health’s view, there is no threat to service at Cavan MLU.

He emphasised his “unequivocal” support for the service and his commitment to the National Maternity Strategy.

The INMO will now be clarifying the unit’s future with the RCSI Hospital Group, in line with this commitment.

The Cavan MLU is one of only two in the country, with more planned as part of the National Maternity Strategy.

INMO General Secretary, Phil Ní Sheaghdha said:

We should be opening more midwife-led units, not closing or downgrading the two we have. Units like this are crucial to implementing the National Maternity Strategy.

INMO Industrial Relations Officer, David Miskell, said:

We welcome the Minister's support for midwives in the Cavan unit. This is a service that provides skilled care, centered on the needs of the women who use it.

Following the minister’s clear support, we will be raising matters with the RCSI Hospital Group, to provide certainty to our members in Cavan.

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