Lack of nursing rep on new public health body a mistake

Commenting on the establishment of the COVID-19 Advisory Group, the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation has said it is a mistake for Government to exclude a nursing and midwifery representative on the new COVID body.


INMO Deputy General Secretary Edward Mathews said:


It is particularly disappointing that there is no nursing or midwifery representative on the new COVID-19 Advisory Group.


Nurses have been sounding the alarm of what exactly it is like to work in overcrowded hospitals while dealing with a highly transmissible virus for months now.


Excluding nursing and midwifery from a panel that will advise government going forward shows a distant and unrealistic approach to the pandemic which actually ignores the reality of the situation in the health services. 


Theoretical, research, and on the ground perspectives are essential and underrepresented in the membership of this new body - and will ensure a particular, but not particularly accurate picture as time moves forward.


The total exclusion of the voice of the largest group of health professionals is a mistake.

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