Over 70 nursing vacancies in Tipperary University Hospital

Over 70 nursing vacancies are currently unfilled in Tipperary University Hospital, Clonmel due to the HSE’s ongoing recruitment moratorium according to the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation.

INMO Industrial Relations Officer, Liam Conway said:

Like many hospitals across Ireland, the HSE’s ongoing moratorium on recruiting frontline staff is having a negative impact on staff and patient safety in Tipperary University Hospital. Over 70 nursing vacancies are currently unfilled.

Nurses and midwives in Tipperary University Hospital are working in very challenging environments with overcrowding continuing to be a problem while staffing remains short.

The framework on safe nurse staffing in the medical and surgical wards in Tipperary University Hospital has been completely eroded as funded posts are not being filled when someone leaves, retires or takes maternity leave. This is completely unacceptable.

The longer this recruitment embargo continues, the stronger message it sends to nurses who are in two minds about staying in the public health service or those that want to come home from abroad that safe nurse staffing is not a priority to the HSE.

The people of Tipperary deserve a hospital that is staffed to provide safe care, that is not the case at the moment.


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