Pay adjustments for management grades

As you are aware Building Momentum – Public Service Agreement 2021-2022 provides for a Sectoral Bargaining Fund  payable from 1 February 2022. The nursing and midwifery bargaining fund related to the 3.28% differential for nursing promotional posts and related grades paid on these salary scales.  

The Circular from the HSE to payroll departments re: this pay adjustment of 3.28% for promotional grades , and grades paid on the promotional  salary scale, has issued this evening . This follows the circular from the Department of Health to the HSE  dated the 30th September. This gives instruction to payroll departments to commence calculating the pay adjustment back to 1st February 2022 and calculate back money owed to the grades included.  Please see the relevant circulars (below) and the new salary scales which incorporate the adjustment by grade.  

 As Advised this is separate to the pay review currently being balloted on , and INMO members have voted to accept the WRC proposals  by a margin of 97%. The total ICTU  public service vote will be counted on Friday 7th October  and if carried the pay adjustments set out in the WRC proposal will be in addition to these adjustments covered in the circulars issued this evening.

We will communicate further with members on this in our weekly update on Friday.

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