Pay Negotiations Section 10, 39, 40 and 56 Organisations

Dear Colleagues,

You will recall that the ‘Interim Agreement’ on pay which was concluded in October 2023 contained a commitment by Government to enter into further negotiations.

The ‘Interim Agreement’ provided that these negotiations would seek to agree further pay adjustments while having regard to the terms of Building Momentum and any successor Public Sector Pay Agreement. These negotiations commenced yesterday. The unions overall objective in these negotiations is secure an agreement that would re-align pay rates with those applying in the Public Service.

As you may be aware there are also some ongoing issues relating to the implementation of the ‘Interim Agreement’ in some Section 39 Organisations. We took the opportunity to remind management that the ‘Interim Agreement’ applied to all Section 39 Organisations and that failure to pay union members may result in industrial action.

The negotiations have now adjourned and will recommence on Monday 24 June 2024. We expect that when the negotiations re-commence the management side will make proposals on further pay adjustments.

On behalf of Congress, Forsa, INMO and SIPTU.


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