Pay Negotiations Section 10, 39, 40 and 56 Organisations

Dear Colleagues,

As you may be aware a meeting took place Monday, at the WRC, with representatives of various Government Departments to attempt to negotiate a further agreement on pay for workers in Section 10, 39, 40 and 56 Organisations.

The objective of the unions was to secure pay increases for workers that would restore the pay relationships that existed prior to the pay cuts in 2008.

During the meeting an offer to increase pay by 6.5% was made. This falls short of what was required to meet the unions objectives. While the meeting ended without agreement, the unions are now engaging with the WRC to establish if there is any basis for further engagement that could progress the unions’ claim.

This will be clarified as quickly as possible and the unions will be meeting to discuss our next steps. A further update will issue as soon as possible.

On behalf of

Congress, Forsa, INMO and SIPTU. 

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