Pension updates for retired members

Pay Increases PSA 2024 – 2026

The HSE have confirmed that the pay increases under the new PSA 2024 – 2026 Agreement will be processed in June 2024 and therefore retired staff can expect to receive the pension adjustment and pension arrears back to January 2024 shortly.

Roll Out of Part Payment of Pensions

According to the HSE 80% of all Pension Applications are now paid within eight weeks.  There can be delays for a variety of reasons in respect of the other 20%.  The HSE has confirmed that in six of the eight Payroll Areas that the system of part payment based on verified service is now in operation.  The Unions have requested that the HSE extend this system to the remaining areas (West and Mid-West).  What this means is that the HSE will now pay part pension on the month that the employee is due to retire based on a safe level of service.  In cases where there is complete information the full pension will be paid out. 

Pension Declaration Forms

The Union has received complaints from members in relation to the Pension Declaration Forms whereby pensioners are required to have a declaration signed by a non-relative or authorised person on an annual basis.  While this is a statutory requirement and therefore can not be removed, the INMO is seeking that the frequency of these declarations be reduced and we will be engaging with the HSE on this matter.

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