Pride: INMO calls for trans-inclusive health workplaces

The INMO has called on health employers to make workplaces transgender inclusive for nurses, midwives and other health workers.

In a statement endorsed by Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI), the INMO has called for private and public sector employers to develop clear guidance on supporting any employees transitioning in the workplace.

The call came during Pride Week 2019 and noted the work of other large organisations, such as Dublin Bus, in implementing “comprehensive and advanced practices” for supporting transgender workers.

INMO Director of Professional and Regulatory Services, Edward Mathews, said:

The INMO proudly supports all our members at work, campaigning for fair, dignified and inclusive workplaces.

Transgender issues in the health services are often seen from a patient view, but trans health workers need support too.

Health employers have already committed to equality at work, but we need to ensure that those policies are reflected in practice and that workers know their rights.

Nurses and midwives deal with the public all the time, so it is especially important that trans workers know that employers will support them in any difficult situations.


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