Public Sector Pay Talks

As you are aware, public sector pay talks commenced formally this week at the Workplace Relations Commission. The Government is represented by official from the  Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and the Irish Congress of Trade Unions Public Service Committee, is leading on the public service workers side and I attend as one of the officers of that committee. 

These public service pay talks ended without agreement in the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) this morning just after 3am (Friday) as Government proposals fell way short of 2021 inflation and projected 2022 cost-of-living increases. 

As outlined in previous notices to members, the talks were convened after the ICTU Public Services Committee invoked a review clause in the current public service agreement, Building Momentum, on foot of high and sustained inflation that wasn’t predicted when the deal was agreed.  

The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform’s offer included offered supplementary pay rises of just 2.5% for the period 2021-2022, despite expected annual inflation of at least 9% over the two-year period. 

Another 2.5% was proposed for next year – despite inflation projections of up to twice that figure in 2023 – as Government negotiators sought to extend Building Momentum into a third year. 

The Government’s proposals fall way short of current projected inflation for the next year.  

The current proposal on offer from Government would leave nurses and midwives who are on modest incomes struggling to pay for the essentials. 

We worked in good faith to avoid this breakdown, but the proposals we were presented with overnight could not credibly be put to union members, who rightly decide whether we enter or extend any agreement. The Government now needs to return with a more realistic offer that can maintain stability in public service delivery and industrial relations.  

At their first meeting of their term, the INMO Executive Council were fully briefed today in person on the progress of the talks so far. 

Further notices will issue to members if there are matters to advise on.

I would once again like to advise members of the marches organised for Saturday 18th June around the country (details below) which are supported by trade unions including the INMO, please if you can attend please make every effort you can to do so and add your voice to this call for real measures to offset inflation join.

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