Public Service Talks

Public Sector Pay talks will begin today for a successor to the Building Momentum agreement. The INMO will be represented at talks. The focus of trade unions at these talks is trying to reach an agreement on short-term pay measures to address the cost of living and labour market pressures. We will be in touch with further updates as they arise.  
Recruitment Moratorium

As you are no doubt aware the CEO of the Health Service Executive issued a memo on the 10th of November to all managers instructing them to curtail recruitment.
The INMO immediately objected to this, as clearly any recruitment slowdown for nursing and midwifery has a lasting impact.
You will be aware from our last notice to members that we met the HSE on November 16th. We are still awaiting a follow-up meeting to discuss pressing points arising from discussions with members.
We are still engaging with the HSE and individual hospital groups at every available opportunity to discuss the negative impact this recruitment freeze will have on our members practise and morale.
Industrial Action

We have balloted members in a number of locations where safe staffing is of concern. Members in St. John’s Hospital Limerick have begun a work to rule and members in the Endoscopy Unit in Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown have served notice on their employer for industrial action.
Violent Attack in Dublin and the Trade Union Movement Response

As you may be aware, the INMO Head Office is proudly based in Dublin’s North Inner City. The tragic violent attack at Coláiste Gaelscoil Mhuire which saw two young children and their care worker stabbed has sent shockwaves through our community. Our thoughts are with our community in the North Inner City especially those whose lives were turned upside down by last week’s violent attack.
Nurses and midwives will be very concerned about the racial taunts and attacks that occurred on the streets of Dublin last Thursday night. We are asking employers to be extra vigilant and conscious of the safety and wellbeing of our members who are not originally from Ireland. They have come to this country to work, to provide a very necessary service, and they need to be absolutely assured of their safety when they go to work.
The INMO will be available to all members who are impacted by the events in Dublin City Centre, particularly in the Rotunda, CHI Temple Street, CHI Crumlin and the Mater.
Joint Oireachtas Committee on Assisted Dying

We have been invited, along with medical organisations, to submit views in respect of the topic of safeguarding medical professionals to the above committee.
This invitation was recently discussed at our Executive Council meeting and the President and Executive Council members are keen that we make a submission to ensure the various issues that may arise for members can be set out in advance.
The Executive has mandated that we maintain a neutral position on the substantive issue relating to the committee’s work.
We have focused on the research available to us from other jurisdictions ion respect of regulatory and practice concerns including the issue of conscientious objection which is provided for under the NMBI code of professional conduct.

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