The challenges of overcrowding in Irish hospitals continue to place immense pressure on nurses, particularly when it comes to caring for patients on trolleys. Your voice and experiences are vital in shaping the conversation around these issues and advocating for better solutions.
We are conducting a survey to gather further insights into your experiences and perspectives on providing care under these challenging circumstances. This is an opportunity to share your story and help us understand the realities of frontline nursing in overcrowded settings. Your feedback will allow us to present the real story.
Take the survey now!
The survey is anonymous and will take approximately [4 minutes] to complete. To participate, please click the link below:
Take the survey now!
Your input is invaluable, and we deeply appreciate the time and effort you dedicate to improving patient care despite the short staffing and overcrowding. By sharing your experiences, you’re contributing to a collective effort to highlight the challenges faced by nurses and to advocate for the resources and support you deserve.
Take the survey now!
Thank you for all that you do, and for taking the time to make your voice heard.