Sympathy and solidarity with colleagues in France

The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation has expressed sympathy and solidarity with colleagues in France after a nurse was fatally stabbed in her workplace.

INMO General Secretary Phil Ní Sheaghdha said:

Our sympathies are with our colleagues in France after a young nurse was fatally stabbed in her workplace in Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Reims. 

This type of incident will have a chilling effect on nurses and midwives across Europe. No one expects this type of attack to take place in their workplace. One fatal outcome is one too many. 

While we welcome legislation announced here in Ireland yesterday to increase maximum sentences for assaulting frontline workers, more must be done to enhance the safety of our members and their colleagues in their workplaces. We need to see an up to date and actionable security review across all hospital sites. Assault prevention and de-escalation measures must be strengthened. It must be made clear that once you step foot in a hospital that there is zero tolerance for any kind of verbal, physical or sexual assault.   

Our thoughts and sympathies are with our colleagues in France and with the family of the nurse who was fatally injured. Suaimhneas sioraí dí.

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