Update on AstraZeneca vaccine

The INMO has contacted the HSE following the National Immunisation Advisory Committee’s (NIAC) decision to suspend the AstraZeneca vaccine. They have issued  a general statement . We have sought additional details regarding this decision be issued to us immediately -  In addition to this the INMO have requested on behalf of its members: 

  1. That the HSE provides additional Occupational Health support and advice for nurses and midwives immediately. This must include details of possible side -effects and be based on the precautionary principle. This requires in our view, information for those not yet vaccinated or who are awaiting their second dose of this vaccine. This must be based on the emerging data regarding side effects, age groups affected and the consequences of this for the profile of nurses and midwives as evidence emerges.
  2. That a free-phone helpline is made available to answer any concerns our members may have ; and
  3. Confirmation that the sequencing of the vaccine as scheduled will be maintained for nurses and midwives and that their safety as employees is taken into account in respect of the vaccine allocation.

We have asked for confirmation and further details as a matter of urgency.

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