Update on PPE/Vaccination, Testing, Redeployment, Covid leave

I trust that you and your families are keeping safe and well. In the interest of all members' protection and entitlements, please study the contents of this important notice carefully and ensure to bring it to the attention of all your colleagues.

PPE and FFP2 protection increased.

As members are aware, there has been unacceptably high health care worker infection during this pandemic which has increased since Christmas. We have met with your employer on multiple occasions in December and January and have pursued the matter of increased protections. We have also raised the matter the Health and Safety Authority and are constantly raising the matter in the public domain. It is important that members protect themselves by redoubling their efforts regarding best practice around infection prevention and control. Also, members should ensure that they have adequate PPE to protect themselves. The INMO has secured that the standard level of mask available to you should be increased to a properly fitted FFP2 mask. Internal communication regarding same has been issued by Colm Henry Chief Clinical Officer and it states:

Based on the fifth update of the European Centre for Disease Control document “Infection prevention and control and preparedness for COVID-19 in healthcare settings” the updated HPSC/AMRIC guidance will include a recommendation that healthcare workers in the community and hospital settings should have access to a well-fitted respirator mask (FFP2) and eye protection when in contact with possible or confirmed COVID-19 cases and COVID-19 contacts. In the context of a ward or facility-based outbreak or a COVID-19 assessment hub, it is appropriate to consider all patients in the setting as suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases. A surgical mask and visor also offer a high degree of protection. These may be more comfortable for and preferred by some staff. A surgical mask is appropriate for non-patient-facing activity and when caring for patients where there is no suspicion of COVID-19 and there is no evidence of transmission in the service.

If you are experiencing any difficulties with regard to access to an FFP2 mask or any PPE, you should pursue the matter with local management. However, if it is unresolved you should contact your local INMO official for assistance.


The INMO has met with the HSE on multiple occasions and outlined your legitimate anger and frustration at the way the initial vaccination rollout was managed for health care workers.

The HSE has accepted that it was not managed appropriately and has given firm commitments that they will not repeat those mistakes. The HSE has committed to rigidly adhering to the sequencing and prioritization document agreed for health care workers. (attached). Also, the HSE has confirmed today that the recommencement of 1st dose vaccination of HCW will take place the week of the 8th of February 2021, with all vaccinations available been allocated to completing the vaccination of HCWs as quickly as possible. The HSE is using its supply this week and next to administer 2nnd doses within the 21–28-day window required. Those working in Covid facing roles and areas will be prioritized.

Testing of Health Care Workers

The INMO met with the HSE under the auspices of the NJC on the 27th of January 2021. The HSE’s Niamh O Byrne was in attendance who heads up the testing and tracing system. The main points of the meeting are as follows:

It is intended that close contact testing will recommence this week.

Serial testing of health care workers in long-term care facilities has increased from two weeks to one week and this will continue.

Serial PCR testing within the acute hospital system commenced last week on three sites, namely Naas, Loughlinstown, and St James Hospital. The INMO is seeking that this is expanded to all acute hospitals, however, the results from last week’s testing are being analyzed and will inform recommendations on the further rollout of same.

Approved antigen testing – the HSE has confirmed that they have approved the commencement of antigen testing in acute hospitals. There will be strict protocols and policies with regards to this testing for use in symptomatic cases. A healthcare professional must complete the swabbing and there will be a direct referral to contact tracing if the test is positive.

We are due to receive documentation and a full update from the HSE and we will advise you in due course.


As you are aware, the acute and community system is under severe pressure presently with the requirement to cease certain services to redeploy staff to the areas of critical need. It is important to state that the health sector trade unions negotiated stronger redeployment terms in December 2020, and these are contained within the agreed redeployment policy. This policy deals with redeployment within HSE and section 38 services and covers important matters regarding your pay and travel. Please familiarize yourself with its terms.

Redeployment to the private sector

This redeployment is covered under a separate agreement reached at Easter 2020 and it has several clear distinctions to the redeployment policy agreed within the HSE and section 38 organizations. Redeployment to this sector is entirely voluntary and clear terms and conditions apply which regards to your voluntary redeployment into that sector. You will be aware that there are significant outbreaks occurring within the nursing home sector which is 80% private and there is a separate agreement negotiated between the unions and the HSE which covers any redeployment to private-sector employers. A key component of this agreement is that any redeployment is voluntary. 

Covid leave.

If you or your colleagues are absent due to COVID19 leave, it is important that members are fully aware of their entitlements. I have attached circulars which deal with this matter but, the INMO secured (via WRC) that health care workers who are absent due to COVID-19 receive their basic pay plus allowances plus premium pay.  If you were absent prior to this being agreed, it is important that you seek appropriate retrospection from the period of March 13 to the date of the agreement. There may be retrospective payments due to you which you should pursue when management locally.

For those that have been on Covid leave since that date, this should happen automatically, however, you should check your payslips. The circular implementing the WRC agreement and the subsequent circular regarding those that are absent more than 28 days can be viewed here. It is important to state that if you remain absent due to long COVID19, you should continue to receive premium payments. 

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