Vaccinations, voting and the Oireachtas

1. Vaccination portal

The next wave of first-dose vaccinations for healthcare workers began this week. The HSE has established an online portal to register to receive the vaccine.

You should receive an email with instructions on how to register from your employer or local manager. This applies to workers outside the HSE too. Some information on the process is herePlease note that you can only access the portal via a link that will be sent to you by the HSE or your management. If you are still awaiting an email or are having technical difficulties, please alert your manager.

The INMO is seeking clarity from the government on the exact date by which all patient-facing healthcare workers can expect to have received both doses. We are also keeping the pressure on to ensure that they stick strictly to the agreed schedule of vaccination priority.

If you believe that your workplace is not prioritising frontline, patient-facing staff in their vaccinations, please contact your local INMO rep and we can intervene.

2. Building Momentum vote

Fully paid-up INMO members who are directly employed by either the public sector or a section 38 organisation will have a vote next week on the next public sector pay proposals. More information on this process and who can vote under the organisation’s rules is available. We are organising online information meetings to answer any questions members may have.

Due to COVID, the vote will be online and run by an independent voting company, Mi-Voice. Eligible members will receive an email when voting begins on the morning of Monday 15th February. If you need to change your email address with us or inform us if you recently moved to a public sector/section 38 role, please contact us immediately at

If you do not receive an email on Monday 15th and believe that you are eligible to vote, please contact as soon as you can to rectify the problem. Voting will close at noon on Friday the 19th.

3. Oireachtas presentation

Earlier this week, the INMO gave evidence before the Oireachtas Committee on Health. You can see our full submission to the committee here. We set out the problems faced by members in stark terms, focusing on the problems with the vaccine rollout so far, the slow response to our demands on safety at work, and why frontline healthcare worker priority for vaccination must be upheld.

As you may have seen in the media , we also went public with our claim for compensation for members. We are seeking compensation for the incredible work done on the frontlines, and recognition of the many excess hours, missed breaks, and great risks staff have taken to provide care.

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