Vaccine Booster Rollout, Expert Review Group Update

It has been a busy week for the INMO between lobbying successfully for the vaccine booster to be provided to nurses and midwives and our extremely well-attended demonstration outside of Dáil Éireann for our student nurses and midwives. 

Vaccine Booster Rollout
After a successful lobbying campaign by the INMO, COVID vaccine boosters will begin to be rolled out to healthcare workers this weekend. While this decision has been made later than we would have liked, it is welcome that the HSE is beginning this rollout so swiftly to make up for lost time. 

As case numbers begin to rise yet again and hospitalisations increase, we need to ensure that every protection that can be made to ensure your safety must be provided. A lot needs to happen now to keep our hospitals safe for the winter. We can see from this week’s trolley figures and the number of healthcare workers who are on COVID-related leave that unless the Minister for Health and the HSE produce a credible winter plan staffing and overcrowding issues will continue to be a major issue. 

The INMO Executive Council will meet in person next Monday and Tuesday. They will consider the issues now facing members in the workplace and the INMO’s continuing campaign to force the employer to implement all necessary measures which are required to protect your health and safety at work. 

Student Nurses and Midwives Demonstration
Nearly three hundred student nurses and midwives gathered outside the Dáil on Tuesday to highlight their poor treatment throughout the pandemic. The very fact that they were on the streets yesterday was a sharp reminder to Government that they need to take the concerns of nurses and midwives seriously – student nurses and midwives are the future of our health service, they deserve to be treated with more respect. 

As global borders begin to re-open, we cannot have our young nurses and midwives in training believe that their only option for decent treatment is to travel abroad. The Minister now must engage with the INMO and our student representatives on what is contained in the independent report on student nurses and midwives pay. We will keep you updated on this issue.

Expert Review Group Update
Yesterday morning I received an update from the Expert Review Body on Nursing and Midwifery. Their work is now in the final stages and they expect that their report will be with the Minister for Health in early December. We will keep the pressure on in this regard and continue to provide you with updates as we receive information. 

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