Member updates

HSE's Pay and Numbers Strategy

We want to bring your attention to the recent developments regarding the HSE and Department of Health’s 2024 Pay and Numbers Strategy that was published on 10/07/24...

Update on Revised PHN/CNM2/CNMM2 salary scale to the linked grades

Following extensive lobbying by the INMO and its members, we have been notified by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform that it has confirmed to the Department of Health the sanction to apply the revised PHN/CNM2/CNMM2 salary scale to the linked grades. We have been advised that the formal documentation will go to the Department of Health early next week to action this sanction. 

INMO consultation to begin with CNM2 grade public sector members

The INMO will commence a consultation period with its members paid at CNM/M 2 salary grade – i.e.  CNS and CMS, CPCs and all other CNM2 analogous grades in the public sector.  As you are aware the Expert Review Body on Nursing and Midwifery recommended to extend the revised PHN/CNM2/CNS salary scale by the addition of one further scale point and the introduction of a Long Service Increment.


Contact INMO

Siobhán de Paor

Head of Communications

INMO HQ, Dublin

Office Opening Hours:

Monday to Thursday

9.00 am - 5.00 pm


8.30 am - 4.30 pm

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