Member updates

Public Service Talks

Public Sector Pay talks will begin today for a successor to the Building Momentum agreement. The focus of trade unions at these talks is trying to reach an agreement on short-term pay measures to address the cost of living and labour market pressures. 

Recruitment Freeze

This morning the HSE CEO Mr. Bernard Gloster announced that the current recruitment freeze affecting clerical grades would be extended until the end of the year across all HSE grades, including many of our members’ grades. 

SLWP Extension and Long Covid

The INMO has received confirmation from the Department of Health that the representations which we have made to request an extension to the Special Leave With Pay has been approved by the Department of Public Expenditure.


Contact INMO

Siobhán de Paor

Head of Communications

INMO HQ, Dublin

Office Opening Hours:

Monday to Thursday

9.00 am - 5.00 pm


8.30 am - 4.30 pm

Closed Saturday and Sunday