Thursday 2 May 2019 62% yes: INMO members vote to accept proposals Ireland’s nurses and midwives have voted to accept proposals offered to resolve their industrial dispute earlier this year, with 62% voting in favour.
Wednesday 1 May 2019 Hospital Overcrowding 10,229 10,229 admitted patients were forced to wait without hospital beds in April 2019 according to a new monthly analysis by the INMO
Thursday 25 April 2019 Global campaign for nursing launches in Dublin Nursing Now, a global campaign to improve health by raising the status of nursing, launches in Ireland today
Wednesday 3 April 2019 81 on trolleys in Limerick - highest ever recorded in an Irish hospital 81 patients were waiting without beds in University Hospital Limerick - the highest-ever daily figure recorded in an Irish hospital, according to today’s INMO Trolley Watch
Wednesday 3 April 2019 INMO Executive recommends nurses and midwives vote to accept proposals The nurses and midwives forming the INMO’s Executive Council today (Wednesday) recommended that members vote to accept proposals aimed at resolving their recent strike.
Monday 1 April 2019 14% increase in trolley figures The INMO has today (Monday) released its report of March trolley figures, revealing a 14% increase on February 2019.