Upcoming Retired Section outings:


Wednesday 09 April

12pm  The Church Café & Bar on Mary Street, Dublin 1.  Guided history tour and irish coffee demonstration.  Book on 01-8280102 or contact Ger on 087-2794701

Monday 05 May

4 nights / 5 days.  The Carrickdale Hotel & Spa, Dundalk.  €450 pps  Room supplement €25 per night. Book with Annette McGinley 074-9135201  info @jmgtravel.ie 

Tuesday 10 June

Retired Section LUNCH in Galway: Tues June 10th at 2pm at Park House Galway. Enquiries please to Teresa Connolly (087 6402962)

Who is this Section for? 

This section is for all nurses and midwives who have completed their careers and are enjoying their retirement, and have previously been in membership of the INMO.

Aims & Objectives 

The aim of the section is to provide a forum for members to meet to maintain and develop friendships, to retain an interest in the Nursing and Midwifery Profession and to continue to contribute to the Irish Nurses Organisation.    

 The National Retired Nurses/Midwives Section is an information source for Nurses and Midwives who are retired or preparing to retire and it provides access to the resources of relevant INO services inclusive the following: 

  • Regular Social Events, Tours and Other Events 
  • Informative Talks, Conferences and Seminars 
  • Lively Section Meetings and Reunions 
  • Advice and Assistance with Pension / Entitlement Issues 

Irish Senior Citizens Parliament

The INMO is affiliated with the ISCP, which advocates for access to services, a decent income, and the right to live an independent, active and full life, free from discrimination.

The INMO regularly updates members on ISCP events and publications.

Contact ISCP

Phone: 085 260 4957

Email: office@seniors.ie

More about ISCP

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Contact INMO

Jean Carroll

Section Development Officer

INMO HQ Dublin

Office Opening Hours:

Monday to Thursday

9.00 am - 5.00 pm


8.30 am - 4.30 pm

Closed Saturday and Sunday