Student allowances

Measures to help you complete your training

The INMO has secured a number of allowances for nurses and midwives who are completing the clinical placement phase of their training. 

The aim of these measures is to support student nurses and midwives to fulfill the requirements that are specific to thier training, taking account of the requirements for travel and accommodation support for many of our student members.

A breakdown of these allowances is available below. For more info on how to obtain these supports, or on becoming an INMO student member, contact the INMO Student and New Graduate Officer. 

Student Allowances Breakdown

  • Where it is necessary for the student to obtain accommodation away from their normal place of residence (i.e., where they normally live when in college ) to attend a supernumerary clinical placement, a student nurse or midwife is entitled to an overnight accommodation allowance of up to €80 per night. This is subject to a weekly cap of €300 (week starts on a Sunday).

    Additionally a student availing of the accommodation allowance is entitled to recoup the reasonable cost of uniform laundry services.

    The above measures will be based on receipts provided by the student and certified by the Student Allocation Liaison Officer (SALO) at their placement location. The accommodation allowance is intended as a contribution toward the cost of attending a supernumerary clinical placement. It is not intended to meet the full cost of an undergraduate nursing/midwifery degree student’s accommodation.

  • A supernumerary student on an undergraduate nursing/midwifery programme continues to be entitled to claim for travel expenses necessarily incurred while attending placements. Original or electronic receipts must be provided by the student and certified by the Student Allocation Liaison Officer.  

    The expenses incurred for travel should be as low as possible – using public transport to take the shortest route and buying the cheapest tickets. Taxis or vehicles should only be used where no suitable public transport is available.

    Where public transport is not available and the use of private transport is necessary to attend placements, a supernumerary student is entitled to claim for payment of these necessarily incurred travel expenses. These expenses can only be claimed from the student’s Higher Education Institute (HEI) or normal place of residence whichever is the closest to their assigned placement.

    These should be reimbursed at the rates that apply generally in the public sector (Department of Health Circular 5/2022). All reasonable measures must be taken to ensure that the most economical option is availed of, including using available public transport for portions of a journey and the use of TFI Leap Cards.

    If claiming mileage:

    (1) Provide details of one specific vehicle. This vehicle will be used to calculate travel expenses and claims will only be processed for this vehicle.

    (2) Provide licensing certificate and vehicle registration details for nominated vehicle.

    (3) Provide a copy of current motor insurance policy

    (4)  Your insurance policy must indemnify the HSE and its associated services against any claims from the supernumerary student or their insurer for any loss or damage incurred during the use of the vehicle while undertaking travel to or from their clinical placement. The insurance certificate must clearly mention indemnity to the “HSE and its associated services”. If such indemnity is not explicitly stated, an additional side letter will be required to confirm the appropriate indemnity.

    (5) If a student uses their own vehicle where public transport could have been used, the amount of mileage reimbursed must not exceed the cost of public transport (including that of passengers).

  • As a targeted measure to contribute towards the extra costs of meals associated with being on placement, students are entitled to a flat-rate meals allowance of €500 per student per academic year, during years one to three only.This will be paid in two instalments of €250 each in November and February each year.

    It should be noted that the Allocations Officers in the HEIs in partnership with the health care agencies, should place supernumerary undergraduate nursing/midwifery students in clinical sites as near as possible to their third level institutions. Managers must ensure that limited funds are applied in a cost-effective manner in accordance with value for money principles.

    Payments due to eligible student nurses and midwives should be made a priority and backdated to the start of the academic year 2022/2023

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    Contact INMO

    Jamie Murphy

    Student and new graduate officer


    Office Opening Hours:

    Monday to Thursday

    9.00 am - 5.00 pm


    8.30 am - 4.30 pm

    Closed Saturday and Sunday